Deedee is the 4th generation owner of family land near the Cossatot River in Polk County, Arkansas where she spent most of her summers as a kid enjoying swimming and camping on the banks of the river. She has a Masters of Business Administration degree and has spent most of her career working in finance and operations management, and while that experience provides great value to her clients, some of the skills she is most proud of come from promoting and building a successful market and agritourism business on the family farm and raising two boys.
A lifelong community member, Deedee was raised in Vandervoort, AR where she was taught life skills and a love of the land. She grew up loving the simple life on the family homestead, where she spent her early years trapping with her daddy and growing a family garden. Deedee loves cooking, gardening and really, all things outdoors. Her strong work ethic has brought her many opportunities in life. She is an entrepreneur at heart and loves helping her clients see the potential whether it be in an 80’s home that needs a remodel or in properties that lend themselves to business opportunities. She is the Principal Broker for Arkansas, with certifications as a Listing Professional and Residential Remodel Specialist and loves being a resource to her family, clients and community. Deedee has served on the Arkansas Women in Ag Board of Directors, The Arkansas Agritourism Association board, and locally on the Polk County Farm Bureau Women’s committee.
As a team in life and home, Deedee works alongside her husband, Luke. Both come from strong family roots in Polk County and have connections statewide through service on various state boards giving them both an appreciation of all the things that makes Arkansas a good place to call home. In 2017, Luke and Deedee earned the honor of being selected as the Arkansas State Farm Family. They have two grown sons, Ryan and Drey, a special daughter-in-love Dusty who works in the family business and four family dogs. They are members of Faith Missionary Baptist Church.

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